Become a Sponsor

By being a sponsor of the Canadian Hospitality Foundation you will be increasing your awareness amongst the industry as a supporter and believer in the future and long-term improvement of the human capital in our industry.

The following are the different gala sponsorship levels available:

Platinum Sponsor $25,000 – package includes:
•    Corporate logo on all major ads in trade media
•    Corporate logo on all printed and electronic material
•    Corporate logo on Canadian Hospitality Foundation Website with direct link to corporation
•    Two page full colour advertisement in evening’s program
•    Ice sculpture with logo incorporated into the design
•    AV on screen profiling during the event
•    Five Scholarships named in your company’s honour*
•    Two tables of ten at the event
•    Overnight deluxe suite for two including wine bar, breakfast and valet parking
•    Two bottles of sparkling wine for each table during dinner

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Gold Sponsor $15,000 – package includes:
•    Corporate logo on all major ads in trade media
•    Corporate logo on all printed and electronic material
•    Corporate logo on Canadian Hospitality Foundation Website with direct link to corporation
•    One page full colour advertisement in evening’s program
•    Ice sculpture with logo incorporated into the design
•    AV on screen profiling during the event
•    Three Scholarships named in your company’s honour*
•    One table of ten at the event
•    Overnight suite for two including wine bar, breakfast and valet parking
•    Two bottles of sparkling wine for table during dinner

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Silver Sponsor $10,000 – package includes:
•    Corporate logo on all major ads in trade media
•    Corporate logo on all printed and electronic material
•    Corporate logo on Canadian Hospitality Foundation Website with direct link to corporation
•    AV on screen profiling during the event
•    Two scholarships named in your company’s honour*
•    One table of ten
•    Overnight suite for two including wine bar, breakfast and valet parking
•    Two bottles of sparkling wine for table during dinner

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Inner Circle Sponsor $6,500 – package includes:
•    Corporate name on all major ads in trade media
•    Recognition of company’s name in evening’s program
•    Recognition of company’s name on Canadian Hospitality Foundation website
•    One scholarship named in your company’s honour*
•    One table of ten
•    Overnight suite for two including wine bar, breakfast and valet parking
•    Two bottles of sparkling wine for table during dinner

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Benefactor Sponsor $5,500 – package includes:
•    Corporate name on all major ads in trade media
•    Recognition of company’s name in evening’s program
•    One table of ten
•    Two bottles of sparkling wine for table during dinner

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We would be happy to discuss and customize a sponsorship level that would best suit you.  Please contact Katrin Zeuner, 416.363.3401 or
*Scholarships will be awarded the following year at the Scholarship Award Ceremony. Scholarship selection is at the discretion of the Canadian Hospitality Foundation.

If you would like a copy of the sponsorship opportunities and benefits download Gala Sponsor Opportunities PDF here.